Meet Tara Haack! Tara is a Junior Program Analyst and works with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office in Idaho, and has been with AST for almost two years.
Tara’s main focus at AST is the Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) which supports the DOE, universities and labs. NEUP engages U.S. colleges and universities to conduct research and development (R&D), enhance infrastructure and support student education thereby helping to sustain a world-class nuclear energy and workforce capability. The program’s goal is to support outstanding, cutting-edge, and innovative research at U.S. universities.
For Tara, the best part of her job is working with a variety of individuals and different tasks she works on daily. In addition to her AST Team, she enjoys the colleagues at the DOE, universities and labs. Whether it is running downs facts or taking care of tasks, she enjoys marking them off her list and calls herself a “fixer”.
One of Tara’s greatest joys is her family and enjoys camping with them in Idaho where she resides. Her boys are grown and out of the house, but often join Tara on camping trips along with her two “littles” – grandkids. She also loves to watch her daughter play softball, enjoys cooking and food and has a fondness for the ocean, but being landlocked in Idaho makes visiting tough!
Great job Tara! Thank you for all your hard work!