To celebrate Women’s History Month, we asked some amazing women at AST “How have they influenced Women’s History (Her-Story)?” and “What females have influenced you?”
Today we are recognizing Christina Walrond, Communications Analyst at AST. Recently, Christina Walrond received the “Hero of the Week” designation from the EERE Acting Assistant Secretary, Kelly Speakes-Backman for her support to AMO & Secretary Granholm. She was instrumental in assisting Secretary Granholm on the U.S. DOE’s announcement regarding the $52 Million to support U.S. manufacturers and industrial workers. Christina played a significant role delivering, coordinating and ensuring this important announcement reached as broad an audience as possible.
Christina has a really neat story on how she ended up at AST. She did not start out in communications – her first few jobs were in nuclear nonproliferation analysis, focusing specifically on Iran’s enrichment program. She then realized that she had a knack for working with scientists and engineers and translating information for non-technical audiences. The rest is history!
This is another great example of #TeamAST #empowering our customer and delivering proven results. #kudostoyou
Great Job Christina!